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Language Discrimination – 4 Best Ways To Deal With It

Have you ever heard of linguistic discrimination? If not, you are not alone; it is a less-discussed kind of prejudice, but it is significant. It refers to the unjust treatment of a person entirely based on the qualities of their speech, such as accent, vocabulary size, and syntax.

A growing number of people, over the past several decades, have called attention to the problem of different forms of discrimination. However, it is still normal to pass judgment on people based on the way they talk. Native speakers are prone to making disparaging remarks about the speaking ability or accents of others.

This article will explain how is language related to culture, language discrimination, and how to deal with it.

How is language related to culture?

Language and culture share realities, human beliefs, and acts within a social community. As a result, there exists a connection between culture and language. Language shifts can signify shifts in a culture’s ideals. Language and culture are inseparably linked. You can’t learn one without first understanding the other.

Words and language used to convey messages to others and are tied to all aspects of human life in society. Also, understanding the surrounding culture is essential if you want to learn about other languages. The language also allows for the evolution and development of cultural values.

Language Discrimination

What exactly is linguistic discrimination?

Language bias or discrimination occurs when a person is mistreated because of her native linguistic or other aspects of her language abilities. For example, if the employer has a “speak English only” policy, but her native language is not English, the employee may be subjected to linguistic discrimination.

Furthermore, she may face language discrimination if she is treated differently from the other staff as she speaks English with or without an accent. She is informed she somehow doesn’t qualify for a role as her English is weak.

Also, language discrimination may occur when a person is refused access to organizations and government services as they do not communicate, understand, read, or write fluently in English or a particular language.

4 Best Ways For Managing Or Dealing With Discrimination

Finding strategies to deal with prejudice is critical for your physical and emotional wellbeing.

1.      Concentrate on your strong points

Focusing on one’s basic values, beliefs, and perceived strengths can inspire people to achieve and mitigate the harmful impacts of prejudice. Overcoming adversity may also help people become more adaptable and better prepared to meet future problems.

2.      Seek out assistance

One issue with prejudice is that people might absorb the unfavorable opinions of others, even if they are wrong. You may begin to believe that you are not good enough. On the other hand, friends and family may remind you of your value and help you rethink those erroneous views.

3.      Participate

Support does not have to come from members of your family or close friends. You may join like-minded groups both locally and online. Connecting with such folks may help you find out how to face issues and respond to discrimination in ways you hadn’t considered before.

4.      Assist yourself in thinking clearly

Being the object of prejudice can elicit a wide range of powerful feelings such as rage, despair, and shame. It has the potential to raise your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

Before reacting, try to check in with your senses and body. To ease your body’s stress reaction, relax your breathing or use relaxation methods. As an outcome, you will be able to focus better on how you would like to respond.

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