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Is Trojan Horse A Malware or A Virus- How Does It Affect Your Computer?

A Trojan Horse, also known as Trojan, is malicious software or code that controls your computer system. Upfront, it looks legitimate, but it is created to cause damage, steal, or commonly inject a degree of harmful action on your network or data.

It serves as a bona fide file or an application to deceive you. It generally tricks you into loading and implementing the malware on your computer system or device. Once it is installed, the Trojan performs the action it has been created for.

What is the Trojan Horse?

The Trojan Horse is often referred to as a virus; however, the term is a misnomer. Viruses have the ability to replicate themselves. However, a Trojan Horse cannot.  The user needs to execute the Trojan Horse, and this is why the virus and the malware are used as interchangeable terms.

Whether you wish to call it the Trojan malware or the Trojan virus, the choice is yours. However, it is important to know how it works and what you can do to keep your devices and computer systems safe.

How does the Trojan Horse work?

The following is an example as to how the Trojan malware works-

You often receive an email from somebody you know, and you click on an attachment that seems legitimate to you. However, in the process, you have been fooled. This email comes from a cybercriminal, and the file clicked, downloaded, and later opened is now ready to install malware on your computer system or device.

When you implement the program, this malware spreads to the other files in the computer and damages it. The extent of this damage varies as the Trojan Horse has been created to do different things, and most of them are those you wish are not present on your device.

Know the common types of Trojan Horse malware on your device

You will be surprised to know several Trojan Horse malware programs out there in the market today. All of them have one goal- to create harm to your systems. Experts from the esteemed name in the field of database management, administration, and consulting, gives us a list of just some of the Trojan Horse malware systems from A to Z below

  • Backdoor Trojan – This malware makes a backdoor on the computer system, and it allows an attacker to access the system to control it. The data is downloaded by a third party and can either be stolen or upload more malware on your computer.
  • DDoS Attack or Distributed Denial of Service – Here, the Trojan performs the attack by taking down the network and inundating it with traffic. This traffic comes from the computer that is infected as well as others.
  • Downloader Trojan – This Trojan targets the computer that has been infected already. It later downloads and installs the new versions of any malicious program that can also include adware and other Trojans.
  • Fake AV Trojan – This malware behaves like anti-virus software, and it demands money from you for detecting and removing threats irrespective if they are fake or real.
  • Game thief Trojan Horse – This malware affects those who play games online. Here, the malware targets stealing information from their account.
  • Infostealer Trojan – This means the Trojan is after the information on your computer
  • Mail finder Trojan – This malware attempts to steal the email addresses accumulated on the computer device.
  • Ransom Trojan – Here, the malware seeks a ransom to undo the damage done to the computer. This includes blocking the data or hindering the performance of the computer.
  • Remote access Trojan – This malware gives the attacker complete control over the computer system through a remote connection that steals information or spies on you.
  • Rootkit Trojan – It targets to hide or even obscure an object on the computer that is infected. Its idea is to extend the time on which the malicious program runs on the device.
  • SMS Trojan – This type of malware infects the mobile device and sends and intercepts text messages. Tests to other numbers that are premium in rates will increase your phone expenses.
  • Trojan banker – This malware program targets your financial data and is created to steal your bank details and everything you do online. It steals your credit card information, banking details, and data for paying bills.
  • Trojan IM – This malware is designed to targeted instant messaging. It steals logins and passwords present on the IM platform.

As mentioned above, these are just some examples of the Trojan Horse malware. There are lots more. This makes it all the more necessary for you and your computer systems to be protected 24/7 round the clock.

Real- Examples of Trojan Attacks

Is Trojan Horse A Malware or A Virus
Is Trojan Horse A Malware or A Virus

From the above, it is evident that Trojans can inflict widespread damage. With time, they also evolve. Given below are some real examples of Trojan Horse malware attacks-

  • Rakhni Trojan – This malware surfaced in 2013. It can now deliver ransomware or serve as crypto jacked (allows criminals to deploy your computer device to mine cryptocurrency to infected computers. The surge in coin mining during the end of 2017 was huge. This incident was recorded in the notes of the 2018 Internet Security Report. There was an increase in the total coin mining activities that increased by 34,000 percent during that year.
  • Zeus/Zbot – This banking Trojan is another bad veteran threat. The source code of the Zeus/Zbot was released in 2011, and it uses keystroke logging. This records keystrokes when you log into your bank accounts, such as stealing personal credentials and even the whole account balance.

Last but not least, the Trojan horse malware affects mobile devices as well, so it is not just confined to computer systems. Here, it looks like an app; however, it is a fake version of it loaded with malware ready to infect your device if installed. Like computer security, make sure you pay attention to mobile device security as well.

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