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Top 40 Troll Names to Share With Your Friends

Trolls are one of the most popular fantasy characters that resemble massive humanoids that are mostly hairy. Their popularity has surged to an extent that people are obsessing over their names. People associate each other and themselves with these trolls and name each other accordingly. 

Popular Troll names

In this article, we shall be listing some of the most popular names for troll characters.

1 . Aigamuxa is a name of African and European Origin that means “huge-size trolls”. It represents a creature that haunts deserts and deserted lands.

2 . Blemmyes is a name that originated from Roman Mythology and Medieval European Folklore. It means “giant-size troll”. It also represents trolls who haunt hills, grasslands, thick forests, and sea-coasts.

3 . Dingonek is a name with an African Origin and it means “large reptilian monster”.

4 . Girtablilu is a name with a Mesopotamian Mythological Origin and it means “troll with a human torso, and lower body of scorpion”.

5 . Hodag is a name with a Wisconsin Folklore Origin and it means “medium-built trolls”. This name represents trolls who haunt thick jungles.

6 . Kabandha is a troll that is massive and is capable of swallowing an entire human being in just one gulp.

7 . Jack-in-Irons is a name with an English Folklore of Yorkshire Origin and it means “huge-size trolls, with all humanoid features”. This name represents trolls that haunt deserted roads, dungeons, and cesspits.

8 . Ogre is a name with a Northern European Origin that means “large and ugly looking humanoid with deformed facial features”. This name represents the trolls that haunt hamlets beside swamps.

9 . Orcs is a name that has been taken from J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Lord Of The Rings’. This name represents trolls that are known to haunt the land of Mordor in Middle-Earth.

10 . Manticore is a name with an Indian and Persian Origin and it means “lion’s body with human head and scorpion-like tail”. It represents trolls that have poisonous spikes.

11 . Piasa is a name with Native American Origin and it means a “human face with antlers, having wings and four legs”. The name represents trolls that haunt riversides.

12 . Pukwudgie is a name that has a Native American Origin and it means “small-size troll” that are known to haunt barren and deserted lands, and jungles.

13 . Satyr is a name with a Greek and Roman Origin and it means “human upper-body with goat-like legs and tail”. This name represents  trolls that haunt woods and mountainous regions.

14 . Trolls is a name that has been taken from European Mythology and it means “large and ugly looking beast”. Like we mentioned previously, trolls are believed to haunt caverns, and isolated places.

15 . Talos is a name with a Greek Origin that means “huge human-like bronze body”.

16 . Springheeled Jack is a name that originated in the 19th Century from British Folklores. This name represents trolls or characters that wear a mask and who produce blue colored flames through their nostrils. 

  1. Skunk Ape is a name with a North American Origin and it means “large bodied troll”. This name represents a troll that is covered in orange fur and has glowing eyes.

18 . Veo is a name with an Indonesian Cryptid Origin that means “medium to large size troll”, and represents trolls who haunt thick forests and deep lakes.

19 . Xing Tian is a name with a Chinese Mythology Origin that means “large size troll”, and represents trolls that haunt hilly areas, grasslands and the coasts.

20 . Zogbanu is a name with an African Folklore Origin that means “the largest of all trolls”, and represents trolls that haunt deep forests.

Table of Contents

Gender fluid names:

There are names for trolls that can be given to both girls and boys. You can use it to refer to both your male friends and female friends.

21 . Anubis is a name with an Egyptian Mythology Origin that means “human bodied troll with a jackal head” and is used to represent trolls that haunt catacombs and graveyards.

22 . Basilisk is a name with a Roman Mythology Origin that means a “rooster headed troll with sharp claws and a reptile’s body”, and is used to represent trolls that have long tails too.

23 . Bastet is a name with an Egyptian Mythology Origin that means a “female bodied troll with a lioness or a cat head”.

24 . Chupacabra is a name with a Latin America Origin that means “small sized, bear-like troll with a spiked back”.

25 . Ciguapa is a name with a Dominican Folklore Origin that means a “blue or brown colored female troll with backward walking feet”, and is used to represent trolls that haunt mountainous terrains.

26 . Fomorians is a name with an Irish Mythology Origin that means “large and deformed bodies made up of animal parts”.

27 . Geirröd refers to the father of giantesses Gjalp and Greip.

28 . Gogmagog is a name with an Anglican Folklore Origin that means “distorted human-like body trolls”.

29 . Human can be used to refer to any troll who is certainly not human.

30 . Jötnar is a name with a Scandinavian Mythology Origin that means “a gigantic troll”.

31 . Arrach is a name with a Scottish Mythology Origin that means “small to medium sized trolls” and is used to refer to trolls that haunt mountainous terrains.

32 . Dovregubbe means the Troll King in ‘Peer Gynt’.

33 . Dunker means the folktales of Fosen.

34 . Grendel means trolls made famous by Beowulf.

35 . Hrungnir means the muscular giant troll in Norse mythology.

  1. Poppy means the pink troll from ‘Trolls’.

37 . Sandwalker is a name with an Arabian Cryptid Origin and means “huge sized trolls”.

38 . Scorpios is a name with a Greek Mythology Origin and it means “medium to large sized trolls” and is used to represent trolls that haunt caverns and underground tunnels.

39 . Ymer refers to a troll in Norse mythology.

40 . Trym refers to the King of gigantic trolls in the Jotunheimen region.


Like we mentioned previously, trolls are fantasy humanoid characters that are covered in hair. Their popularity is increasing quite exponentially these days and people are actually associating themselves with these characters and choosing names for themselves and their friends. 

In this article, we have listed 40 of the most popular names for troll characters that are surfacing over the internet.

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