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5 Steps to Construction Manager Success

In the post-pandemic world, the construction industry is booming.

Buildings are going up faster than ever.

And there’s a ton of opportunity in this highly lucrative and fast-paced industry.

But here’s the thing.

If you’re getting involved in construction work and want to make a career out of it, you’ll probably have a much better experience if you strive to move upwards into a manager position.

With that being said, achieving the rank of ‘construction manager’ isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do.

There are some steps that you’ll need to take in order to make it work for you.

So in this post, you’re going to learn five steps to construction manager success.

These steps will help you to rise up through the corporate ranks to achieve a management position in your construction field.

Let’s dive into it.

1. Get Educated

In pretty much every industry, there’s going to be a need for education.

You may need to get a technical degree, a college degree, or even a range of simple certificates.

The thing about the construction industry is that you’ll also need to know what you’re doing in order to level up and truly achieve those higher positions…

(For example, you need to know how to source accommodations for a crew, reserve equipment, manage a worksite, etc.)

And getting educated is really the first step.

2. Get Your Foot In The Door

Opportunity is truly everywhere.

However, with that being said, it does pay to learn how to look for it.

Getting your foot in the door with the proper construction company or outfit is another essential part of leveling up to become a construction manager.

It’s vitally important to just get started in the industry.

This could mean getting an internship, rubbing elbows with other people in the industry, or even landing an entry-level job.

You may be leery to get started at an entry-level position.

But here’s the thing.

Even starting at the entry-level is better than not starting at all.

You just have to get your foot in the door to start creating opportunities for yourself.

3. Prove Yourself To Be Valuable And Reliable

Once you’re getting your foot in the door and you start working on your new career, you’ll want to make sure that you’re demonstrating your value and reliability by doing the best job you can.

This is your time to shine.

Show everyone you work with that you’re truly capable, and that you care about the business.

If you want a future with this company, and/or if you want a great referral from them, you should also really commit to doing the best job for them that you can do.

At first, this may be a tiring process.

However, it really does matter.

4. Prioritize The Company

Unfortunately, to get ahead in this world, it pays to be willing to sacrifice your personal time for company time.

In other words, if you want to get into management, it’s in your best interest to become a ‘company man’ who pretty much jumps and says ‘yes’ whenever the company asks.

This may require you to have to skip some family events and personal extracurricular activities.

But if you really want this career, that’s just one of the sacrifices you’re going to have to make.

5. Shoot Your Shot

Eventually, through all of this education, work, sacrifice, and commitment—you’re going to come to a place where you’re actually going to have a chance to jump at some kind of management position.

When you get the chance, make sure to shoot your shot.

Apply for the position as fast as possible. Spruce up your resume, and make it look amazing.

Call the boss and use any leverage you’ve created with the company to help give you a leg up on the opportunity.

Don’t be afraid to flex some of that commitment you’ve shown, and also be ready to prominently display your interest in the position for all to see.

Sometimes, the most eager party is the one who gets the job!


There you have it.

Hopefully, these tips have helped you to understand exactly what you need to do to level up and get the best chance at a construction management position that’s within your power to get.

One more piece of advice.

Don’t give up.

If this opportunity means that much to you, then it’s in your best interest to see it through and to give it your all.

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