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Why Does My Tooth Ache After Eating Sweets?

Some people experience pain when they eat sweets. Unfortunately, tooth pain from eating sweets is becoming more common with the increasing access to sweets. What causes it, and how does one prevent it? Read on!

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

Enamel is the protective layer of your teeth. Underneath it is the dentin layer, which consists of microscopic tubes and canals. When the enamel layer is worn down, and there isn’t enough to protect your teeth, it causes tooth sensitivity to acidic and hot or cold foods and beverages.

You can lose or wear down enamel for many reasons, which include the following:

  1. Gum Disease

Periodontal disease affects more than just the gums. They can make your teeth more sensitive and even affect your overall health.

  1. Consuming Acidic Foods and Beverages

The foods and beverages you consume can damage your teeth’s enamel. Some examples of these foods and drinks include:

  • Cranberries
  • Coffee
  • Pickles
  • Citrus fruits
  • Alcohol
  1. Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

Brushing with too much force or using a toothbrush with stiff bristles can erode your teeth’s enamel.

  1. Cavities

Cavities are your number one enemy. Contact your dentist immediately if you feel pain after eating sweets; you may have cavities that require treatment.

  1. Teeth Whitening Treatments

A recent teeth whitening procedure can result in temporary sensitivity to sweets. It doesn’t last long compared to teeth sensitivity caused by enamel loss.

  1. Dental Trauma

Your teeth might feel more sensitive if damaged, chipped, or cracked in an accident.

What Causes Toothaches After Eating Sweets?

You might not be aware of the effects of sugary treats on your teeth. Sweets like pastries, carbonated drinks, and candies provide bacteria with sugar that they consume and convert into acids that eat away at your teeth’s enamel and dentin, causing pain.

Is Teeth Sensitivity to Sweets Preventable?

According to a Pagosa Springs dentist, you can ensure optimum oral health and prevent tooth decay and enamel damage by practicing good oral hygiene and the following:

  1. Limit your sugar intake.

Reduce your sugar intake if you have a toothache due to sweets. This will protect your sensitive teeth and help prevent cavities.

  1. Take note of what you eat.

Your oral health is directly affected by what you eat. You should be aware of what you are eating; bad food choices can negatively impact oral health. A healthy, balanced diet will ensure you receive enough vitamins and minerals your teeth need.

Vitamin deficiency can also cause tooth decay. Certain foods like yogurt, milk, fiber-rich foods, and cheese help prevent tooth decay and reduce sensitivity to sweets.

  1. Replace your toothbrush.

Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles; they clean your teeth well and protect your teeth’s enamel. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), replacing your toothbrush every three to four months is essential. You can also replace them sooner when the bristles begin to fray.

  1. Replace your toothpaste.

Consider changing your toothpaste if your teeth are sensitive. Many toothpaste options for sensitive teeth are available on the market; ask your dentist for their recommendations.

  1. Visit your dentist regularly.

You should schedule a dental appointment every six months. These dental checkups can help your dentist identify oral problems early on. You can also ask your dentist for treatment options that reduce your teeth’s sensitivity to sugar.

How Does Teeth Sensitivity Feel?

You’ll feel different sensations in your mouth and face when your teeth develop a sensitivity to sweets. Some of the sensations you may feel include:

  • Referred pain in the sides of your face, between your eyes, or inside your sinuses
  • Intense, stabbing pain
  • Tingling
  • Aching

What Are the Treatment Options for Teeth Sensitivity?

Sensitive teeth treatment depends on the root cause. Switching to a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth may be enough for mild cases, but some may need more.

Your dentist may recommend dental bonding for more severe cases. This procedure involves attaching a resin material that matches your teeth’s natural color to your teeth.

Your dentist can also fill cavities to relieve sensitivity. They can perform deep cleaning and teeth scaling and provide antibiotics for patients with teeth sensitivity caused by gum disease.

Bruxism or teeth grinding is another cause of enamel erosion. Dentists may recommend wearing a mouth guard to protect your teeth. You may also manage the pain you feel due to teeth sensitivity with over-the-counter painkillers.

 What Is the Best Time To See a Dentist?

Aside from seeking answers as to why your teeth feel sore after eating sweets, you should see your dentist right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Toothache that persists for more than a week
  • You feel pain or discomfort that interferes with your daily routine
  • Swollen, bleeding, or puffy gums

 Key Takeaway

Teeth that don’t have enough enamel to protect them from stimuli and bacteria become more sensitive to everything, including sweets. You can prevent teeth sensitivity with a proper diet, good oral hygiene, and control of what you eat.

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