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Tips to make 2022 productive

As a rule, people who become entrepreneurs do not manage their time and their lives in general well enough. This hinders them both in personal and professional activities. That is why most of these leaders cannot develop their business and only buy Instagram followers if they have an online store, for example. Unfortunately, those who do not have healthy habits are forced to spend a lot of money on promotion.

In this article, you will learn what habits and techniques will help you successfully develop your business so that you have to use the services of other people as little as possible and buy real Instagram followers.

How to create easy solutions?

The principle is simple: change your environment so that good behavior is easier and bad behavior is harder.

Simplicity. It’s hard to eat healthy when the kitchen is full of mayonnaise salads and chocolate. It’s hard to focus on reading an article when there are 10 tabs open in the browser. It’s harder to complete an important task when you believe in the myth of multitasking. When in doubt, rule out options.

Drive yourself into useful obligations. Want to go to the gym regularly? Pay now before your motivation drops. Arrange with a friend or coach who will wait for you, and at the same time motivate you. When it’s time to train, it will be easier to go than to make excuses in front of everyone.

Question everything. Modify and customize your space and environment. Let people only help your goals. Yes, the world shapes your habits and choices, but someone had to shape the world in the first place. Now that someone can be you.

Focus: How do you know where to focus your efforts?

Do one thing and do it well is the essence of most success stories. But how do you know where to direct your energy and attention? How did famous businessmen and innovators understand what to spend their energy on? We don’t have all the answers, but over the years of searching we’ve learned a lot.

After trying a lot of different things, focus on what works instead of struggling with a complex idea. How do you know which is easier? The exact answer will give the measurement of progress:

  • If you are an entrepreneur, keep track of your marketing efforts;
  • If you go to the gym, track your workouts and record volumes.

And now you have tried enough ideas to highlight one or two with an above-average result. Now it’s time to simplify. Try to delve into your tasks as deeply as possible and thereby make them easier.

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You don’t need so much

One more moment. Do not try to embrace the immensity. In fact, you only need 3-4 techniques to get results. To find out which ones specifically, you need to try a lot of things. If you need advice on where to start, we would recommend these three vectors:

Give up half-work. Everything is fighting for our attention. We balance between email, social networks and to-do lists in parallel with real work. We are very rarely completely occupied with one task.

  • You start the report but stop to check Instagram;
  • You are trying a new workout. Two days later, you read about another fitness program and try it. You have not made much progress in any of the programs, so you start looking for something better;
  • While you are talking on the phone, your thoughts are wandering in your email inbox.

It doesn’t matter how you got into the trap of a half-work. The result is always the same: you are never completely involved in one task, you do not devote a long time to it. As a result, each task takes you twice as much time.

Eliminating distractions completely for a few hours is the only known way to deeply focus on work and avoid fragmented sessions. How much could you achieve if you could get rid of the half-work that we fill most of our days with?

Start with the most unpleasant or difficult task. You have heard this advice. But look at it again. Difficult things require more will and energy, right? Wouldn’t it be easier to start at your peak productivity?

If you finish the most important thing in the morning, then every day of your life will be productive. Even if the rest of the day doesn’t go according to plan, you’ve already done a great job.

Scale down, but stick to the schedule. You woke up today with the intention of running five kilometers in the afternoon. But during the day you had more things to do, and time began to run away at a tremendous speed. Now you only have 20 minutes to work out.

In such a case, you have two options:

  1. Decide you don’t have time to run five kilometers and therefore skip your workout.
  2. Reduce the goal to two kilometers but do a workout. This option is much more useful.

We hope this article will help you make the right decisions!

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