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How multi-tenant IP PBX software can cut down costs for the hospitality industry

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit most businesses. However, the hospitality industry felt immediate tremors. The full impact of Covid-19 pandemic is yet to be accounted, as the world continues to grapple with its changing contours.

In a recent article, Deloitte stated that decreased revenues of the hospitality players have brought about uncertainty in the whole ecosystem. The path to ‘normal’ is dependent on overcoming operational and financial challenges among others actors with no timeline in sight. Leaders in the hospitality sector need to focus on recovery for the future.

To begin with, leaders can focus on cost centers to cut down operational costs. One of the major cost heads is a business-grade telephone system or PBX (Private Branch Exchange). The traditional hotel PBX system often proves costly to set up and maintain. Shifting to internet telephony, like cloud-based IP PBX software or hosted IP PBX can help hotels make marked changes in their operation and communication with customers.

An IP PBX is a telephone switching system that uses the internet to transmit voice by connecting phone lines over the company’s network.

It is available in two variants—Single tenant and Multi-tenant. The difference lies in the number of users of the software. A multi-tenant software is better suited for the hospitality industry due to significant cost savings, especially for long-distance communication. Let us understand in detail how the hospitality industry can gain from switching to a multi-tenant IP PBX system for communication.

Key Advantages of multi-tenant IP PBX for hotels

A multi-tenant IP IPBX means that one instance of the software can be used by multiple users, with a single support infrastructure.

  1. Affordability: The biggest advantage of multi-tenant IP PBX is affordability and as the costs of infrastructure go down due to shared network.
  2. Maintenance: As the onus of maintenance falls on the IP PBX service providers, the tenants’ cost of maintenance is significantly lower.
  3. Operating costs: The deployment costs are relatively lower, and a multi- tenant user’s data is isolated and remains invisible to other tenants.
  4. Streamlined communication: An IP PBX will help you to streamline your company communication. You can have multiple phone lines, in one location or a different location of your company, without paying for each connection.
  5. Centralized control: An IP PBX centralizes your complete communication, giving you control and access to monitoring.
  6. Call quality: You can enjoy high-quality calls and several modern collaboration tools with a single software. Connect over video or phone call with colleagues and customers and guests, on-property and outstation with ease.

Selecting the best IP PBX software can be challenging, however with HoduPBX from HoduSoft, you can be assured of best-in-class product. We make quality VoIP products accessible for all. Hodusoft’s IP PBX solution incorporates IVR, WebRTC for audio-video chat and conference, email, fax, social media etc.

Let’s look at key features of multi-tenant IP PBX software offered by HoduSoft:

  • Least Cost Routing (LCR)

We feature an advanced way of calling with LCR, which routes the call traffic through the least cost service provider. This brings down the costs of the calls significantly.

  • Integrate CRM

Enjoy the benefits of integrating CRM with HoduPBX and carry out your marketing campaigns effectively.

  • Integrated Payment Gateway

With HoduPBX’s integrated payment gateway,  you can make centralized payments for all your properties (tenants) or generate bills automatically for each user. Moreover, you can easily pay through PayPal, Stripe, and CCAvenue with our integrated payment gateway.

  • Auto Provisioning

HoduPBX auto provisioning feature gives you the flexibility to set up phones and assign permissions. This is especially beneficial during the Covid-19 pandemic when remote work has become the norm. Your employees can access IP PBX features simply by entering the provisioning URL to the phone after plugging it into an ethernet cable.

  • Audio conferencing

HoduPBX provides superior quality audio conferencing features in its multi-tenant IP PBX software. The software can be scaled as per need and has unique features like ad hoc conference, mute or unmute, and conference recording options.

  • Real-time analytics and reports

HoduSoft’s hosted PBX software produces the reports easily, quickly, and efficiently. With the gained insights from the data, you can easily focus on the KPIs of your business. It shows real-time analytics that helps track and improve overall performance, enhance customer experience, increase productivity, and make data-driven decisions.

As a cutting-edge VoIP software maker, HoduSoft also offers add-on features to enhance your experience and provide higher RoI on your investment. HoduSoft has made it to the Gartner Digital Markets Report for 2021 Category Leaders & FrontRunners list. What’s more? HoduPBX can be fully customized as per your needs for your brand. Upgrade your PBX system in hotel to enjoy seamless connectivity and cost benefits.

Reach us for one-to-one discussion at  +1 707-708-4638 or write to

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