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Christian Financial Planning: An Overview

Christians around the world live for Jesus. Many business owners are devout Christians who do not wish to sway away from the words of God. Therefore, they must understand the difference between secular and Christian budgetary planning to succeed. For these businesses, it is appropriate to inquire about Christian financial planning services.

Although modern budgetary planning came into existence recently, there are about 2350 verses in the Bible about finances and money. According to Matthew 6:21, Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The above verse guides one to handle money in a way that does not draw one away from God. Christian monetary planning utilizes these principles and the Bible as a filter to make efficient decisions.

Traditional and Christian Financial Planning

There is not a lot of difference between traditional and Christian financial planning, because traditional monetary planning is heavily derived from Biblical principles. There is a lot of wisdom regarding finances and wealth in the Bible, and there are many principles upon which the modern financial system rests.

  • Persistent, Honest Work: The Biblical proverb 13:11 states that wealth gained hastily will always dwindle faster than the wealth gained little by little.
  • Emergency Planning: According to Proverbs 21:20, a foolish man will always devour all his precious treasure and oil rather than save it for contingency.
  • Diversification: Ecclesiastes 11:2 suggests diversifying the wealth into portions of seven or eight as one does not know when a disaster will happen on Earth.


Even though Christian financial planning is essential for devout Christians, it is crucial to consider the challenges before pursuing it.

Applying Biblical Principles

It is sometimes difficult to understand and apply Biblical principles. A lot of one’s understanding of the Bible depends on their upbringing and learning standards. Therefore, some people tend to reshape the principles to benefit them while distorting the original vision. Monetary planning becomes extremely difficult in these cases. Be sure to consult others as you plan, especially those with experience and expertise in both scripture and finances.

Finding Financial Advisors

The biggest challenge of Christian financial planning can be finding Christian financial planning services. There are many financial advisors in a location, but it isn’t always easy to find one practicing Biblical financial planning. Still, working with someone with a similar worldview and ideology can help one understand the intricacies of their future goals.

Final Thoughts

Christian financial planning services are essential for a secure future aligned with traditional Christian values. It is essential to honor Biblical stewardship with a Christian budgetary planning service. An excellent service will focus on building wealth to be used for God’s kingdom and his glory and can offer financial peace of mind.

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