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Betty McCrickett Personal Life, Profession, Family, & More

Betty McCrickett whose actual name was Elizabeth “Betty” Bell (McCrickett), was the mother of the juvenile serial killer Mary Flora Bell. She was a well-known prostitute in her locality in the 60s. She was accused by the people as the main culprit for her daughter’s criminal mindset. Get all the noteworthy information about Betty McCrickett, her personal life, deeds, family, & and many more from this article.

Family Facts About Betty McCrickett

No such information has been uncovered about Betty McCrickett’s parents. The exactness of Betty’s spouse or the biological father Mary is also unspecified. Though, the name of William “Billy” Bell comes into light whom Mary also believed to be her father. William Bell, who’s supposed to be Mary’s husband is a habitual alcoholic and fierce criminal. He also had multiple criminal records which includes armed robbery. Mary Bell is the second child of Betty McCrickett. Although, no specific information about her first child is disclosed.

Ill-treatment Of Betty McCrickett Towards Her Daughter Mary Bell

Betty McCrickett was a careless or more prominently can be said as a cruel mother. She frequently traveled to Glasgow for professional reasons recklessly living her children under their father’s supervision—who was a seasoned convict and most of the time got absent. Mary was Betty’s 2nd child, who was born when she was 17.

As to their close friends and neighbors, Mary had a disturbed childhood for her mother’s insensitive nature. Betty used to abuse Mary and was badly. She even wants to kill her child once by tossing her from the window. She also tried to assassinate her by sleeping pills. Further, when Mary was going through the tender years of four or five, Betty’s clients used to assault her sexually.

Result of Betty’s Maltreatment

Betty’s harsh treatment and carelessness resulted in a troubled life for her daughter Mary. She got an extreme brain injury which may be the result of her mother’s throwing her down from the window or the assaults she underwent by her mother’s clients. This injury impacted the prefrontal cortex of Mary’s brain, the part that allows controlling activities and making decisions.

Mary Bell’s Crimes

In her juvenile period, Mary Bell, the daughter of Betty McCrickett was convicted for murdering two preschool-age boys in Scotswood and Newcastle respectively in the year 1968. The first murder was committed by her at the early age of 10 years. In her second murder, Mary’s friend Norma Bell (not a relative) accompanied her.

Investigation On Both the Murders

On 4 August of the same year, Norma Bell, Mary’s companion in crime made her confession. She describes how Mary strangled Brian Howe, the second victim in front of her. Later on, forensic proof and other pieces of evidence confirmed Mary’s crimes.

Psychological Assessments

After experimenting with Mary’s psychological state, the psychiatrists concluded that Mary was not only suffering from a mental disorder but also has a problem with a psychopathic personality disorder.

Verdicts On Mary Bell’s Crimes

On 17th December 1968, the absolute verdict came where Mary Bell was condemned for both killings. And her companion Norma was pardoned.


A mother can build and modify her child’s character. Betty McCrickett, as a mother created an unnatural example. Her brutality and ill-treatment play a vital role in her daughter’s criminal mentality. It not only vandalized the life and career of her own daughter but also instigated two other child killings. This kind of mentality is detrimental to the whole society.

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