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5 Common Misconceptions About AI Generated Content Writing

There has been so much talk over the last few months about the rise of A.I that it can almost start to feel like we are all living in a Sci-Fi movie. In reality, A.I, or artificial intelligence, is both very possible and becoming more common in our lives every day. Wherever talk of A.I goes, so too go all kinds of myths and misconceptions about what it means now and for the future.

Here we will take a look at 5 of the most common misconceptions about A.I generated content writing to help set the record straight…

1. A.I generated content will replace all human generated content

Perhaps the most common and worrisome misconceptions that many people have about A.I is that it will take their jobs and replace them in the near future. While A.I content can be incredibly useful, it is in no way ready to replace the creativity and skill of human writers.

2. You don’t need to put any input in

Another one of the biggest misconceptions people have about A.I generated content is that it just magically gets created without any input from humans. People believe that you simply choose the software and it does the work for you. This simply is not true.

If you want to get A.I generated content you still have to provide prompts, check and edit what comes out and take part in the entire process. A.I is not there to replace people but rather to speed up the process and make it easier.

3. A.I content is no good

On the opposite side of those who fear that A.I content will become the norm are those who believe that it doesn’t have any uses whatsoever. This is equally untrue. A.I generated content is already working well in shorter forms, as well as aiding writers in coming up with ideas and carrying out research.

4. You cannot create quality content with AI

Again, while it is more common to use this type of content for shorter and more simple situations, you absolutely can create quality content using A.I. It is adapting all the time to improve the language used and the quality of the content produced.

As long as the person using the software is properly trained and is using the right prompts and editing, there is no reason why A.I generated content couldn’t be classed as good quality content.

5. A.I generated content is incredibly cheap and easy

More and more companies are interested in using A.I to generate bulk content cheaply, but this is yet another big misconception. In order to get your A.I generated content, you need to first purchase the expensive software and hardware, and then train your team in how to use it. Digital marketing companies in Dubai and elsewhere still employ people to create content affordably and with skill.

We know from an earlier myth that you still need people to make it work, and their time is still costing you money. While in the future you may indeed be able to get A.I content that is both high-quality and cheap, it is not there yet.

Learn to use it by all means, but never neglect the true potential of a quality human writer.

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