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When to See a Foot Doctor

While discomfort on the feet is normal, especially if you’ve been standing or walking around for a long period of time, foot pain and other problems are not normal. Like other health issues, foot problems require attention from a professional foot doctor. Visiting an experienced podiatrist is necessary for a number of reasons.

Health specialists in foot problems perform faster diagnoses and treatments to the patients. If the problem is worse, a podiatrist can perform a surgical operation.

When to See a Podiatrist

Visiting a foot specialist should be an option for people with related health issues. Knowing when to see a podiatrist is crucial for preventing the problems from worsening. Here are the symptoms/issues that should prompt one to make an appointment with a foot doctor.

Foot Pain and Swelling

Pain and swelling on the foot are related problems. Several things cause such foot issues: overweight, broken toe, joint inflammations, or even trekking long distances. One should visit a foot specialist when pain and swelling persist for quite a long time.

Making a trip to the podiatrist gives one a chance to get the proper medications. The patient also gets to know the best physiotherapies to relieve the pain and swelling faster. Depending on the cause of foot pain and swelling, a podiatrist will recommend different treatment options.

For example, if lifestyle factors are the cause of pain and swelling, a foot doctor will likely recommend a patient do things like drink more water, wear compression socks, stay active, and limit salt-intake.

Sometimes medical conditions cause foot pain and swelling. Conditions like lymphedema and edema occur when fluid is trapped in the foot. For lymphedema, treatment includes exercise, massage, and wearing bandages. Edema is treated by reducing salt intake and wearing support stockings. A podiatrist will know which treatments will work best for you and your condition.

Numbness on the Feet

Numbness makes the feet lack sensation. The problem progresses with time, so visiting a good podiatrist early is the best decision. Several things cause the problem. The most common contributing factors are alcoholism, stroke, tumor, and diabetic neuropathy.

In the early stages, foot numbness has less severe symptoms. Among them are anxiety, itches, muscle spasms, and tingling sensation. In extreme cases, the problem can be life-threatening. Some serious symptoms to watch out for are paralysis, slurred speech, vision loss, and breathing problems.

Making an appointment with a foot expert has several benefits. The doctor performs corticosteroid injections, physical therapies, or even surgeries to solve the problem. Such solutions alleviate the pain and inflammations that make the patient suffer foot numbness.


Diabetes increases the risks of foot issues. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes make the patients suffer feet problems in several ways. The nerves in the feet get damaged, resulting in diabetic neuropathy. As the problem advances, the patients suffer numbness and extreme pain.

Diabetes also reduces the amount of blood flowing to the feet. As a result, the wounds on the feet take a longer time to heal. In extreme cases, the patients can get their legs amputated.

The only way of avoiding such results is by seeing an experienced foot doctor in good time. One must choose a podiatrist who understands the right treatments for diabetes.

Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenail seems to be a minor issue but can cause serious symptoms if not addressed professionally. The problem causes inflammation, tenderness, and even infections. Removing the ingrown toenails independently is painful and can cause more injuries.

One should not wait for the symptoms to become severe. Especially if a patient has diabetes or a circulatory disorder, seeing an expert immediately is the best way to ensure proper treatment. A professional podiatrist will remove the toenail without causing further complications to the patient.

Some ways of preventing ingrown toenails are proper toenail trimming, wearing fitting shoes, and putting on protective footwear.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common foot problem caused by fungus. Wearing wet shoes and other footwear also increases the risks of an athlete’s foot. Sometimes, the fungus becomes persistent, making it difficult for home remedies to cure the problem. Visiting a specialist in foot issues is the surest way of getting an athlete’s foot addressed.

If you have tried making lifestyle changes and the athlete’s foot still persists, a podiatrist will offer treatments like a topical cream or powder. And if those options do not work, a podiatrist may recommend taking stronger medications. The important thing is to work closely with your podiatrist to ensure you are getting the right treatment.

Visit a Foot Doctor

Foot problems cause great discomfort and can become critical impediments to smooth and comfortable walking. No one should allow minor foot issues to become severe. Visiting a professional foot doctor is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Patients with foot problems shouldn’t choose any podiatrist. A foot specialist should be experienced, licensed, and reputable.

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