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The Importance Of Protecting Your Car From The Sun’s Harmful Rays

The sun is a wonderful thing that gives us life with its heat and warmth, but it can also be destructive if overexposure takes place. While we love to go play outside on a bright, sunny day, we also know that we need to protect ourselves by wearing sun hats, and sunglasses and applying sunscreen so we don’t get burned by too much harmful UV radiation. We take good care of ourselves, but what about our cars? We often leave them parked all day long out under the blistering heat of the sun without any special protection, and it does take its toll! Damage to paint, dashboards, and upholstery is unsightly, lowers the value and lifespan of our cars, and can even lead to safety hazards! So, what can we do to keep our cars safe from the sun’s wrath? Here are a few tips that will help!

  • Car Window Cover – These easy-to-apply snap-on car window cover are made of highly reflective materials that keep the sun’s rays outside so you can stay cool inside. They protect your car’s interior and you! They come in a wide variety of sizes to fit any window on your car, whatever make and model it may be.
  • Wax Your Car – It seems like most people have heard of car wax but have never gotten around to actually using it! Car wax provides powerful protection against the sun’s cruel rays by forming a barrier between your car’s paint and the outer environment. If applied correctly, car wax will keep your car looking shiny and new as it stops the paint from peeling, cracking, and fading. A thorough wax job not only keeps your car’s paint looking sharp, it prolongs its lifespan and keeps the resale value from dropping. Waxing is recommended twice a year or more, especially if your car has to spend extended periods of time being driven in the heat of the day or left parked outdoors under direct sunlight.
  • Park In The Shade – Speaking of parking, do your best to find a shady spot to leave your car in. This may not always be possible, but when you can manage it every minute that your car doesn’t spend cooking away under direct sunlight is a good one, the damage is cumulative. Finding a parking place in the shade somewhere under a tree, beside a building, or in a covered parking lot will go a long way to slowing down your car’s ageing process. It may take a little extra effort and time, or even a bit of cash if you choose to park in an indoor garage, but it’s well worth it to keep your paint, upholstery and dash from being damaged.

The Australian Government’s Road Vehicle Standards Laws sometimes have an effect on car accessories and add-ons, so be sure to check with them before making any major modifications. It’s hot out there and it’s slated to get even hotter, so make sure you and your car are protected from the worst of those rays the sun sends our way!

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