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How to make a profitable ecommerce app

Mobile Commerce accounts for 40% of all eCommerce transactions globally. Two-thirds of UK and 50% of US e-commerce traffic is now mobile. Customers embraced mCommerce quickly, while merchants lagged behind.

Add-to-basket and buy rates are lower on mobile than desktop, and checkout isn’t straightforward enough to increase sales. This shows the e-commerce app’s untapped potential. How to take advantage?

Here are 7 steps to establish a successful e-commerce app, increase sales, and keep consumers coming back.

Locate the Business Problem

Identifying the specific challenge or opportunity that your company is now dealing with. Perhaps your mobile traffic is comparable to your desktop traffic, but your conversion rates are 40% lower. Perhaps a large number of people have uninstalled your present software. Or do you have a lower mobile traffic share than your competitors?

Whatever it is, it is critical that you write it down quickly and concentrate on it while you construct the answer. Clarity will aid team members in adhering to the same vision. You can make it easier for yourself with app development by simply contacting a professional company:

Get to Know Your Audience

Try to learn as much as you can about the individuals you’re approaching, their needs, and their patterns of behavior.

  • What do they make a livelihood doing?
  • When is the best time for them to go shopping? What is their budget?
  • What do they purchase?

There are several questions that might be beneficial to ask. This knowledge will assist you in developing a customer-centric design and development strategy.

Make a list of your objectives and the requirements that go with them

Consider what should be included in the intended solution to fulfill the mentioned requirements. This also makes it possible to construct test scenarios. These are models of typical behavior associated with a certain user persona that the new solution must address.

Finally, choose a few essential measures that you will track in the future. Whether you use the appropriate measurements, you’ll be able to see if you’re on the right course.

Create a wireframe

It adds value to your workflow, whether it’s a low-fi or high-fi wireframe. It allows you to check whether you’re on track with the UX and concentrate more effectively throughout the design process. While wireframing, editing, ripping up or altering buttons is considerably simpler and less expensive.

This is especially true for an e-commerce app, where modifications such as CTA placement and size may be updated on a regular basis.

Wireframing also makes it easy for team members like designers, developers, business strategists, and content authors to offer useful input. It’s easy to establish guidelines when you agree on the wireframe.

Make a Future Development Plan

You’re ready to agree on development stages now that you’ve completed the wireframe. This should assist you in receiving comments and keeping track of your progress. Once built, they make it simpler for you to set explicit design objectives and build a development team with the right size and expertise.

On your PC, you’re presumably already using an e-commerce platform like Magento, Prestashop, Shopify, or anything similar. It’s critical to understand whatever limits you’re dealing with and how to make the most of their built-in capabilities.

Create a design. Put it to the test

It’s simpler to be successful with the design and get the intended objectives when you have a strong wireframe.

Because the experience on mobile applications differs from that on desktop apps, it’s important to remember the following guidelines:

  • On a mobile device, don’t make the screen too crowded — one large picture may enough.
  • Each screen should only have one CTA: more will be confusing and difficult to follow.
  • Make it easy to find the ‘Add to Cart’ button
  • As much as feasible, make the checkout procedure as simple as possible.
  • While the software is loaded, create a few Splash Screens to show.

Develop an e-commerce app and submit it to the app store

Everything is ready for the development team now that the development stages have been planned and designs have been created. Ensure that the development team, whether in-house or outsourced, has appropriate experience and skills.

Ensure that you keep in frequent contact with the Project Manager during each phase or sprint. Decide on the channels and kinds of reports you want to receive. Remember to allow some space between the projected finish and the start of the following phase. There may be some adjustments or unforeseen occurrences along the way (e.g. change in the third-party API). As a result, it’s a good idea to leave some additional room.

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