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How effective are outdoor infrared heaters for terrace dining

In the current era, infrared heating has emerged as a leading alternative. Instead of circulating air in your terrace area or room, these heaters’ convection process directly heats the surrounding objects and thus keeps the place warm for longer. It works efficiently and compels consumers to prefer them for their home and terrace dining.

With the increasing popularity of infrared heaters, many people prefer outdoor infrared heaters for their terrace dining space.

Working process of infrared space heater

Infrared basically emits the invisible light waves. These waves are similar to sun rays which warm the object immediately and are present in the vicinity. People or things nearby absorb the heat directly, thus maintaining the overall temperature of the terrace or room. As the air doesn’t heat, the temperature difference between the ceiling and floor remains significantly less, around 2-3 degrees only.

Infrared heating never removes oxygen from space and thus makes the heating process more ecologically friendly.

Quartz infrared heating- 96% efficient for terrace dining space

Electric quartz heating is highly efficient compared to other heating methods. In contrast to the traditional heating system, these infrared quartz heaters don’t heat the air, and the objects which get heated, emit the warmth back into the air and thus maintain the temperature of the terrace dining. Use this heater in an outdoor setting to achieve 96% efficiency in heating compared to that traditional heating which only remains 46% efficient in outdoor space.

What to look for when choosing an outdoor infrared heating solution for your terrace dining

IP rating: If you are looking for a heater for your outdoor space, it’s essential to look for its IP rating to ensure that the water and moisture present in the outdoor space can’t cause any damage. You can look for IP24 or more rating to gain complete confidence about the heater’s efficiency.

Reflector: You can choose from a wide variety of reflectors available in the market based on your requirement. Gold reflector is highly efficient in minimizing glare.

Heat coverage area: You can choose a heater based on the coverage area of your terrace space.

Longevity: Look for high-quality infrared heaters which are durable. To get the best device, you can check the brand reputation and the feedback of the existing customers to get the best deal.

Why Infrared heating for outdoor dinning?

Infrared heaters perform well in outdoor areas. Because of its option of low glare and RAL color, these heaters are unobstructive and can give your cozy warmth during dining. Also, Infrared outdoor heaters are easy to install, which makes them a preferred choice for many consumers. Many of these heaters are available in single, double, and triple units and thus become ready to face any challenging situation.

Benefits of infrared over traditional heating system

It is a healthy choice: Infrared heaters provide a similar type of heating as we receive from sunlight. Hence, it is natural and heats the object, thus retaining warmth in the outdoor area.

Energy efficient: Usually, infrared patio heaters, mostly preferred for terraces or other open spaces, use 100% of the heat they produce. These heaters are more energy efficient as they provide heating effects through direct radiation. Thus this results in less heat loss and low-cost zone heating.

Environment-friendly: As outdoor infrared heaters are operated through electricity, they are carbon neutral and thus come under the list of few carbon-free outdoor heating systems in the market.

Optional installation: Patio infrared heaters can be mounted in various styles. They can be ceiling, floor, or wall-mounted infrared heaters. You can also keep them in a free-standing position. Thus ideal for your terrace dining space where you can adjust its position per your dining location.

Heating control app: These infrared heaters can be controlled via Heating Control Smart App. Their temperature can be maintained even when you are not at your home. This feature enhances convenience and safety.


So, now it’s time to break the rules! If your terrace is large enough to accommodate several people and if you love to dine on the terrace, then go with an outdoor infrared heater this time. It will allow you to enjoy the fun with your family in a pleasant environment, even in extreme weather when the forecast advises you to remain home; you can still feel comfortable on your terrace with these infrared heaters.

A few years ago, all such things seemed unthinkable, but make it a routine with the infrared heating system. So, stop shattering your teeth on cold nights and enjoy fine dining with your loved one in the terrace area.

Along with terrace area, many restaurants are also taking the advantage of this heater, to entertain their guests in outside area even at the coldest day of winter.

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