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Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Season 2: Characters, Release Date, Episodes, and Latest Updates

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is a Japanese young adult or light novel series. The series was written by Ao Jumonji and illustrated by Eiri Shirai. The novel was adapted into a manga and anime series.

The Light novel series of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is produced by Overlap. The series had the original run on June 25, 2013, and up to the present. The light novel has 19 volumes. The first volume was released on June 25, 2013. The English release date was on December 16, 2016.

The Manga series was written by Mutsumi Okubashi and published by Square Enix. The manga had the original run on April 22, 2015, up to June 22, 2016. The manga series has 3 volumes. The first volume was released on December 22, 2015, followed by the second volume on March 22, 2016, and then the last volume on August 22, 2016.

The Anime television series was both written and directed by Ryosuke Nakamura. The series was produced by Masaya Saito, Naoki Harada, and Shigetoshi Sato. The series was produced by A-1 Pictures, a Japanese animation studio. The Anime series had the original run from January 11, 2016, to March 28, 2016. It has 12 + OVA episodes.

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash season 1 recap

The story revolves around a group of novices battling their way around a fantasy world after being drawn to it from their original world. With no memory of how they came to the world of Grimgar, the group got into service as Trainee Volunteer Soldiers.

The group led by Manato began hunting weak monsters to earn money and grow stronger. The group was then thrown into despair when Manato died. They realized that Manato was the one who held their group together. Merry then came to the group replacing Manato’s Priest position and eventually warmed up to the group after being cold at first. The group then planned to avenge Manato by attacking the heart of the goblin encampment.

The group slew the goblin king and decided to help Merry avenge the death of her former group. The season then ended with the surviving heroes accepting their life in Grimgar and Merry moving on from her past.

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash season 2 Plot

As for the story of season 2, it is safe to say that we can expect more adventure and more creatures the surviving heroes will encounter. Season 2 will shed more light on the main characters who came to the world of Grimgar. 

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash season 2 Characters

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash have lots of characters. There are several main characters in the show. We will be seeing them again in the next season.

Haruhiro is one of the main characters and is the leader of the group. He is a thief and is also willing to help his companions. He became the group’s leader after Manato’s death. Haruhiro is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya in Japanese and Ricco Fajardo in English.

Manato is the former leader of the group. He died and Harushiro assumed his position as leader of the group. Manato became a Priest. The group became progressive with his leadership and strategist plans. He is both the defensive tank and front-line attacker of the group. One unfortunate event when a goblin archer was successful hit Manato in the back. Manato is voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki in Japanese and Justin Briner in English.

Ranta is the dark knight of the team. His behavior always gets him into an argument with Haruhiro. Ranta is a front-line attacker, yet also has the darkest heart since he keeps on leaving the group for his ambitions. He is voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino in Japanese and Orion Pitts in English.

Mozo is a member of the Warrior guild. He is the heaviest and tallest among the group members. Later in the series, Moguzo died because of exhaustion. He is voiced by Fukushi Ochiai in Japanese and Jarrod Greene in English.

Yume is a hunter who is brave and energetic. She went on to train for 6 months. Yume is voiced by Mikako Komatsu in Japanese and Jeannie Tirado in English.

Shigeru is the mage of the group whom Moguzo challenges because she is soft-spoken. Shihoru is voiced by Haruki Terui in Japanese and Sarah Wiedenheft in English.

Merry joined the group after the death of Manato. He is also a Priest. She was once cold and aloof towards the group but eventually warmed up. She and Haruhiro fell in love with each other. Merry is voiced by Chika Anzai in Japanese and Jad Saxton in English.

Suzaku is part of the group that joined after the death of Moguzo. He replaces Moguzo.

There are supporting characters that you might be able to see in the second season such as Renji, Ron, Adachi, Sassa, Chibi, Shinohara, Hayashi, Michiki, Og, Mutsumi, Kikkawa, Britney, Barbara, and Honen.

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash season 2 Release date

It has been years since season 1 was released. Though season 1 ended on March 28, 2016, the producers released a special episode entitled Hai to Gensou no Grimgar: Furoagari no Kabe ni Kaketa Seishun which delighted fans. After that and years passed, there’s no announcement about season 2. However, it is normal for anime shows to have years of gap between seasons. Furthermore, chances of renewal might happen sometime around this year or next. 

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Season 2 Other Details

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash might look similar to other Anime series such as Log Horizon, Sword Art Online, or Overlord, but it has several reasons why it’s different.

Grimgar’s characters don’t remember their original world, and so they are just fighting to survive. They also are not good at fighting and the fight scenes are scary and brutal for the characters. Overall, the anime might have dragging episodes, but it offers unique fantasy adventures in which the art and music are excellent as well.

For fans of the Anime, you can watch a good English dub on Amazon Prime, Crunchyroll, and Funimation.

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