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What Are Some Emergency Services Provided by a Dentist?  

Dental emergencies can be painful and disruptive, and it is essential to know that dentists provide emergency services to help alleviate pain and treat dental emergencies. Some common dental emergencies include toothache, broken or chipped teeth, knocked-out teeth, lost or broken fillings or crowns, abscesses, bleeding gums, and orthodontic emergencies.

Dentists can provide various treatment options, such as pain relief, diagnosis, bonding, crowns, fillings, root canals, extractions, antibiotics, drainage, gum surgery, and orthodontic adjustments to alleviate pain and prevent further damage.

It is essential to search “dentist near me” on the Internet as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the teeth and gums. If you are experiencing an oral emergency, contact your dentist immediately or go to the emergency room for immediate care. Here are some emergency services provided by a dentist.


One of the most common dental emergencies is a toothache. Various reasons, such as a cavity, abscess, or infection, can cause toothaches. Dentists can provide pain relief and diagnose the cause of the toothache. Treatment options can range from a filling or root canal to an extraction, depending on the severity of the issue.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

Another typical dental emergency is a broken or chipped tooth. This can be caused by various reasons, such as a fall or biting into something hard. A broken or chipped tooth can be pretty painful, especially if the nerve is exposed. Dentists can provide treatment options, such as bonding or a crown, to repair the tooth and prevent further damage.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If a tooth is knocked out due to trauma, it is vital to seek emergency dental care immediately. The sooner the tooth is re-implanted, the greater the chance it is saved. The dentist will rinse the tooth, place it back in the socket, and stabilize it with a splint. The patient will be given medication to relieve pain and reduce the risk of infection.

Loose or Dislodged Teeth

A loose or dislodged tooth can also be caused by trauma. If the tooth is still intact and not completely knocked out, the dentist may be able to reposition and stabilize it with a splint. If the tooth is damaged, it might require extraction.

Lost or Broken Fillings or Crowns

Lost or broken fillings or crowns can cause discomfort and sensitivity. At times, the tooth may be exposed and vulnerable to further damage or infection. Dentists can provide temporary or permanent fillings or crowns to protect the tooth until a permanent solution can be made.


An abscess occurs at the root of a tooth or in the gums, and it can cause swelling and fever and may require emergency dental care. Treatment may involve antibiotics and drainage of the abscess.

Bleeding Gums

If gums bleed excessively, it may be a sign of gum disease. It is important to seek dental care as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the gums and teeth. The dentist may provide treatment options, such as a deep cleaning or gum surgery.

Orthodontic Emergencies

Orthodontic emergencies can include broken braces or wires, loose brackets, or protruding wires that can cause discomfort or mouth injury. It would help if you found emergency dental care to prevent further damage or injury.

You should search “dentist near me” on the Internet immediately for dental emergencies since they can be painful and disruptive. Dentists can provide various treatment options to alleviate pain and prevent further damage from toothaches to broken teeth, knocked-out teeth to abscesses, and bleeding gums to orthodontic emergencies.

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