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5 Common Causes of Moving House Stress

As you may already be aware, moving house isn’t exactly a calming process. Even if you enjoy packing and organizing, it’s not easy to relocate all of your belongings.

It’s essential to go into the experience with a positive mindset. Otherwise, it may become more overwhelming than it has to be.

If you’re looking for tips on how to relocate while staying sane, keep on reading! In this article, we will talk about five common causes of moving house stress so that you know what to avoid.


You can start moving preparations months before the big day, but for some reason, the time gets away from you. In between work and taking care of the kids, it’s easy to get behind in your packing.

You’ll want to be prepared and have a plan, such as finding accommodation while you wait for your new home to be ready. Check out these short term rentals North York to get started.


You may have factored in the cost of your new home, insurance, and inspections, but not many remember to think about the moving expenses. Professional movers, transportation, and supplies can add up to a relatively high cost.

But that’s not all! You might need to buy new furniture or could misplace certain belongings in the move. It would help if you were prepared financially. Otherwise, you might struggle more than you would expect.

Children and Pets

As much as we love our children and pets, they really can be frustrating in a move. When you pack something away, it can get pulled out again, and it’s hard to concentrate when you are worried about them.

To make things a little easier, follow these tips:

– Educate and explain the moving process to avoid emotional confusion.

– Ask your friends and family to babysit for a few hours.

– Pack an “essentials box” with favorite toys and games to keep them occupied.

– Check your pets into a boarding facility.

– Have some quick activities handy for long car rides.


While some people tend to over-prepare for their moves, most of us don’t. Without organization, it’s easy to get overwhelmed once it’s time to leave your home officially.

Thankfully, there is an easy fix to this issue: start preparations as soon as you know you will be moving. Checklists are a fantastic way to keep everyone on track, and you won’t forget a thing.

You can read some other great helpful home advice here.


Finally, even if you’re excited about your new journey, the change can be overwhelming. A new home could take you away from your family and loved ones. Therefore, it’s typical to experience a bit of homesickness.

You might also struggle to sleep for the first few nights until you get settled in. It will get easier!

Final Words

And that’s it! These are five common causes of moving house stress. So remember, while it might seem challenging, you will get through it in the end.

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